110 M
People on Connected TV
62.2 M
Millenials on Connected TV

Enhance Your Broadcast





Grow Your Audience

Expand Your Ministry

Our team can help you grow your congregation by connecting you with new members across all age groups through digital channels like connected TV and social media. This innovative approach will engage people in fresh and effective ways.

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland”. -Isaiah 43:18-19

Affordable Global Streaming

Grow your ministry affordably with our streaming services. For just $25 per TV spot, broadcast live or on-demand content to our expansive connected TV and online viewership. Take advantage of our unbeatable prices and start streaming today.

Ready For Growth?

At NUHISON, we understand the frustration of investing significant time and resources into expanding your ministry, only to fall short of your goals. However, with our dedicated team, you can achieve the success you desire for your ministry.

“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”
Romans 5:3-4


Our Client Success Engineers will first meet with your team to uncover your goals. Next, we’ll observe your ministry and provide insightful recommendations. Finally, we’ll develop a growth strategy and present it to you and your team.


We will collaborate closely with you and your team during this phase to produce and submit high-quality content for distribution across our Connected TV and web platforms, even with limited budgets.


Our goal is not just to reach local viewers, but to connect your ministry with audiences worldwide through our technical expertise. Presenting your content is only the first step – our true aim is to engage your viewers in a way that inspires them to return again and again.


As your ministry expands globally, not all members will be able to visit your physical location. Nonetheless, facilitating growth in your membership – both through in-person and virtual engagement – remains a top priority for us.


Speak with our team today to start live streaming your church services on connected TV platforms.

Complete our contact form, and one of our Client Success Engineers will reach out to assist you in your ministerial growth journey.

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